Get involved. Volunteer. Join. Donate.
CCCRA is community-minded, community-funded and community-run organization. Become a part.
CCCRA's engine is an all-volunteer force that dedicates thousands of hours each year to improving Clay County NC. Volunteer to help out at an event, join or chair a committee, or think about serving on our Board of Directors. We need you! To learn about our current opportunities, drop us an email.
CCCRA members have a voice in the future of our community and know that they are part of an organization that works to stimulate economic growth, promote local assets, and preserve the rich heritage of Clay County. CCCRA membership dues start at $30, are tax-deductible and provide the operating budget for our 501(c)(3) non-profit, which brings you community events such as the Summer Concert Series and supports our programs and Projects.
Join On-line now with PayPal. Select Membership Level
Annual Membership - $30

Lifetime Membership - $300

Annual Business Membership - $50

4-Year Business Membership - $150

Lifetime Business Membership - $400

We know you have a choice of many worthy causes to support. We hope CCCRA is one of them. Please consider a designated donation to support your favorite project, contribute to our general fund, or help us build our endowment fund, which will help ensure the Beal Center remains the heart of Hayesville and Clay County for decades to come.
Cherokee Heritage

Historic Courthouse

Trails & Greenways

Endowment Fund

General Fund

Help Us Build a Picnic Shelter at Jackrabbit
To celebrate the “Year of the Trail”, and the 20th anniversary of their collaboration, CCCRA & SABA are kicking off a campaign to fund the picnic shelter. The shelter, to be located at the JRTS trailhead – a no-fee area enjoyed by residents and visitors, will serve as a rest spot for bikers and hikers, an outdoor classroom for learning, a venue for church and school outings, deliver shade for families seeking outdoor recreation, and provide protection when the weather turns foul. We've started a GoFundMe campaign to raise $50,000 seed money towards the estimated cost of $120 thousand. Donate to Trails & Greenways!
Clay County Communities Revitalization Association (CCCRA) is a non-profit organization devoted to preserving and improving Clay County NC for its residents and visitors. Powered by a 100% volunteer engine, CCCRA is funded through memberships, donations and grants.
CCCRA is qualified as a charitable organization under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to CCCRA are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 919-807-2214. The license is not an endorsement by the State.